
The Optogenetics and Neural Engineering (ONE) Core frequently offers training in many areas of engineering, allowing you to focus on your research.

To inquire about the next training session, simply contact the ONE Core.

Example Training

  • Optical Safety: How to safely apply light to your research. Also covers how to correctly measure and report Irradiance in Vitro and in Vivo
  • Patch cord and optical cannula fabrication. Ask about our station through which you build these in house
  • Microcontrollers: The future of research control. Can include training on Arduino programming (learn to hack!) or Raspberry Pi consideration
  • Electronic Workbench: Common methods to build, diagnose, and repair hardware issues
  • An introduction to 3D Modeling/Printing, and what method will best suit your needs
  • Other: consultation is always free of charge. Contact us!


Please acknowledge our Core in your publications. An appropriate wording would be

“The Optogenetics and Neural Engineering (ONE) Core at the University of Colorado School of Medicine provided engineering support for this research. The ONE Core is part of the NeuroTechnology Center, funded in part by the School of Medicine and by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke of the National Institutes of Health under award number P30NS048154.”


Please contact the Optogenetics and Neural Engineering Core via email with any questions, comments, or requests for quotes.